There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Conversion Research and Education Act - Title I: Research and Development Conversion Coordination Policy - Provides that it shall be the function of the National Science Foundation to: (1) analyze data regarding Federal expenditures for research and development activities, and the employment and availability of scientific, engineering, and technical manpower, which the Foundation has assembled; (2) develop and recommend to the President programs and activities which will contribute to carrying out various policies; (3) prepare and submit to the President for transmittal to the Congress not later than March 1 of each calendar year, ending prior to March 1, 1977, a report on its activities under this title and an appraisal of the extent to which various policies are being successfully implemented, together with such recommendations, including recommendations for additional legislation, as it deems appropriate.
Title II: National Science Foundation Conversion Program - Authorizes the Foundation to make grants to, or to enter into contracts with, academic institutions, not-for-profit institutes and organizations, public agencies, and private business firms, for the conduct of basic and applied research designed to: (1) study and appraise the social, economic, and managerial aspects of conversion for defense related research and development activities to civilian research and development activities; (2) identify priority areas of civilian research and development activity likely to contribute to the resolution of the Nation's pressing domestic problems including, but not limited to, unemployment, poverty, race relations, social alienation, crime, environmental pollution, urban problems, eenergy sources and natural resources, nutrition, housing, transportation, education, and health-care; and (3) advance the scientific and technical state-of-the-art in priority areas.
Title III: Economic Development Administration Conversion Program - Authorizes the Secretary of Commerce, in accordance with the provisions of this title, to make grants to, and to enter into contracts with, academic institutions, not-for-profit institutes and organizations, and business firms for the purpose of developing, initiating, improving, or operating training programs for management personnel of business firms, to assist them in converting the research and development activities of such firms from defense related areas to civilian areas of work.
Title IV: Small Business Conversion Program - Authorizes the Small Business Administration to make grants to small business concerns which have engaged in defense related research and development activities within the three-year period immediately prior to the date of enactment of this Act to pay up to 80 percent of the cost of enrolling eligible personnel of such concerns in any program assisted under title II or title III of this Act.
Provides that grants shall be made only upon applications made at such times and containing such information as the Administration shall require. Asserts that the Administration is authorized to prepare recommended programs from among programs carried out under titles II and III of this Act which the Administration determines are especially applicable to assisting small businesses in converting to civilian research and development activities.
Title V: General Provisions - Defines "defense related research and development activities" to mean any activity which involves: (1) research, development or engineering, including necessary supporting services, performed under grant from, or contract with, the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or under subcontract to such a grant or contract; or (2) the construction, reconstruction, repair, or installation of any building, plant structure, facility, or equipment connected or necessary to such research, development, engineering, or supporting services; and (3) which requires at least six months to complete.
Establishes an Advisory Council on Research and Development Conversion Education to be composed of fifteen members appointed by the President for terms of three years without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code. Provides that the Council shall: (1) advise the Director and the Secretary of Commerce with respect to their respective responsibilities for educational programs under this Act; (2) review and evaluate the effectiveness of Federal educational assistance programs under this Act; (3) prepare and submit such interim reports as it deems advisable, and an annual report of its findings and recommendations, together with any recommendations for changes in the provisions of this Act; and (4) publicize its findings and recommendations to such extent and in such manner as it deems effective and advisable.
Authorizes appropriations in the following amounts for the fiscal years indicated below, and sets limits within each fiscal year for the allotment of appropriations to the various sections of this Act: 1974 - $100 million; 1975 $150 million; and 1976 - $200 million.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Conversion Research and Education Act - Title I: Research and Development Conversion Coordination Policy - Provides that it shall be the function of the National Science Foundation to: (1) analyze data regarding Federal expenditures for research and development activities, and the employment and availability of scientific, engineering, and technical manpower, which the Foundation has assembled; (2) develop and recommend to the President programs and activities which will contribute to carrying out various policies; (3) prepare and submit to the President for transmittal to the Congress not later than March 1 of each calendar year, ending prior to March 1, 1977, a report on its activities under this title and an appraisal of the extent to which various policies are being successfully implemented, together with such recommendations, including recommendations for additional legislation, as it deems appropriate.
Title II: National Science Foundation Conversion Program - Authorizes the Foundation to make grants to, or to enter into contracts with, academic institutions, not-for-profit institutes and organizations, public agencies, and private business firms, for the conduct of basic and applied research designed to: (1) study and appraise the social, economic, and managerial aspects of conversion for defense related research and development activities to civilian research and development activities; (2) identify priority areas of civilian research and development activity likely to contribute to the resolution of the Nation's pressing domestic problems including, but not limited to, unemployment, poverty, race relations, social alienation, crime, environmental pollution, urban problems, eenergy sources and natural resources, nutrition, housing, transportation, education, and health-care; and (3) advance the scientific and technical state-of-the-art in priority areas.
Title III: Economic Development Administration Conversion Program - Authorizes the Secretary of Commerce, in accordance with the provisions of this title, to make grants to, and to enter into contracts with, academic institutions, not-for-profit institutes and organizations, and business firms for the purpose of developing, initiating, improving, or operating training programs for management personnel of business firms, to assist them in converting the research and development activities of such firms from defense related areas to civilian areas of work.
Title IV: Small Business Conversion Program - Authorizes the Small Business Administration to make grants to small business concerns which have engaged in defense related research and development activities within the three-year period immediately prior to the date of enactment of this Act to pay up to 80 percent of the cost of enrolling eligible personnel of such concerns in any program assisted under title II or title III of this Act.
Provides that grants shall be made only upon applications made at such times and containing such information as the Administration shall require. Asserts that the Administration is authorized to prepare recommended programs from among programs carried out under titles II and III of this Act which the Administration determines are especially applicable to assisting small businesses in converting to civilian research and development activities.
Title V: General Provisions - Defines "defense related research and development activities" to mean any activity which involves: (1) research, development or engineering, including necessary supporting services, performed under grant from, or contract with, the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or under subcontract to such a grant or contract; or (2) the construction, reconstruction, repair, or installation of any building, plant structure, facility, or equipment connected or necessary to such research, development, engineering, or supporting services; and (3) which requires at least six months to complete.
Establishes an Advisory Council on Research and Development Conversion Education to be composed of fifteen members appointed by the President for terms of three years without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code. Provides that the Council shall: (1) advise the Director and the Secretary of Commerce with respect to their respective responsibilities for educational programs under this Act; (2) review and evaluate the effectiveness of Federal educational assistance programs under this Act; (3) prepare and submit such interim reports as it deems advisable, and an annual report of its findings and recommendations, together with any recommendations for changes in the provisions of this Act; and (4) publicize its findings and recommendations to such extent and in such manner as it deems effective and advisable.
Authorizes appropriations in the following amounts for the fiscal years indicated below, and sets limits within each fiscal year for the allotment of appropriations to the various sections of this Act: 1974 - $100 million; 1975 $150 million; and 1976 - $200 million.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Conversion Research and Education Act - Title I: Research and Development Conversion Coordination Policy - Provides that it shall be the function of the National Science Foundation to: (1) analyze data regarding Federal expenditures for research and development activities, and the employment and availability of scientific, engineering, and technical manpower, which the Foundation has assembled; (2) develop and recommend to the President programs and activities which will contribute to carrying out various policies; (3) prepare and submit to the President for transmittal to the Congress not later than March 1 of each calendar year, ending prior to March 1, 1977, a report on its activities under this title and an appraisal of the extent to which various policies are being successfully implemented, together with such recommendations, including recommendations for additional legislation, as it deems appropriate.
Title II: National Science Foundation Conversion Program - Authorizes the Foundation to make grants to, or to enter into contracts with, academic institutions, not-for-profit institutes and organizations, public agencies, and private business firms, for the conduct of basic and applied research designed to: (1) study and appraise the social, economic, and managerial aspects of conversion for defense related research and development activities to civilian research and development activities; (2) identify priority areas of civilian research and development activity likely to contribute to the resolution of the Nation's pressing domestic problems including, but not limited to, unemployment, poverty, race relations, social alienation, crime, environmental pollution, urban problems, eenergy sources and natural resources, nutrition, housing, transportation, education, and health-care; and (3) advance the scientific and technical state-of-the-art in priority areas.
Title III: Economic Development Administration Conversion Program - Authorizes the Secretary of Commerce, in accordance with the provisions of this title, to make grants to, and to enter into contracts with, academic institutions, not-for-profit institutes and organizations, and business firms for the purpose of developing, initiating, improving, or operating training programs for management personnel of business firms, to assist them in converting the research and development activities of such firms from defense related areas to civilian areas of work.
Title IV: Small Business Conversion Program - Authorizes the Small Business Administration to make grants to small business concerns which have engaged in defense related research and development activities within the three-year period immediately prior to the date of enactment of this Act to pay up to 80 percent of the cost of enrolling eligible personnel of such concerns in any program assisted under title II or title III of this Act.
Provides that grants shall be made only upon applications made at such times and containing such information as the Administration shall require. Asserts that the Administration is authorized to prepare recommended programs from among programs carried out under titles II and III of this Act which the Administration determines are especially applicable to assisting small businesses in converting to civilian research and development activities.
Title V: General Provisions - Defines "defense related research and development activities" to mean any activity which involves: (1) research, development or engineering, including necessary supporting services, performed under grant from, or contract with, the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or under subcontract to such a grant or contract; or (2) the construction, reconstruction, repair, or installation of any building, plant structure, facility, or equipment connected or necessary to such research, development, engineering, or supporting services; and (3) which requires at least six months to complete.
Establishes an Advisory Council on Research and Development Conversion Education to be composed of fifteen members appointed by the President for terms of three years without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code. Provides that the Council shall: (1) advise the Director and the Secretary of Commerce with respect to their respective responsibilities for educational programs under this Act; (2) review and evaluate the effectiveness of Federal educational assistance programs under this Act; (3) prepare and submit such interim reports as it deems advisable, and an annual report of its findings and recommendations, together with any recommendations for changes in the provisions of this Act; and (4) publicize its findings and recommendations to such extent and in such manner as it deems effective and advisable.
Authorizes appropriations in the following amounts for the fiscal years indicated below, and sets limits within each fiscal year for the allotment of appropriations to the various sections of this Act: 1974 - $100 million; 1975 $150 million; and 1976 - $200 million.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Conversion Research and Education Act - Title I: Research and Development Conversion Coordination Policy - Provides that it shall be the function of the National Science Foundation to: (1) analyze data regarding Federal expenditures for research and development activities, and the employment and availability of scientific, engineering, and technical manpower, which the Foundation has assembled; (2) develop and recommend to the President programs and activities which will contribute to carrying out various policies; (3) prepare and submit to the President for transmittal to the Congress not later than March 1 of each calendar year, ending prior to March 1, 1977, a report on its activities under this title and an appraisal of the extent to which various policies are being successfully implemented, together with such recommendations, including recommendations for additional legislation, as it deems appropriate.
Title II: National Science Foundation Conversion Program - Authorizes the Foundation to make grants to, or to enter into contracts with, academic institutions, not-for-profit institutes and organizations, public agencies, and private business firms, for the conduct of basic and applied research designed to: (1) study and appraise the social, economic, and managerial aspects of conversion for defense related research and development activities to civilian research and development activities; (2) identify priority areas of civilian research and development activity likely to contribute to the resolution of the Nation's pressing domestic problems including, but not limited to, unemployment, poverty, race relations, social alienation, crime, environmental pollution, urban problems, eenergy sources and natural resources, nutrition, housing, transportation, education, and health-care; and (3) advance the scientific and technical state-of-the-art in priority areas.
Title III: Economic Development Administration Conversion Program - Authorizes the Secretary of Commerce, in accordance with the provisions of this title, to make grants to, and to enter into contracts with, academic institutions, not-for-profit institutes and organizations, and business firms for the purpose of developing, initiating, improving, or operating training programs for management personnel of business firms, to assist them in converting the research and development activities of such firms from defense related areas to civilian areas of work.
Title IV: Small Business Conversion Program - Authorizes the Small Business Administration to make grants to small business concerns which have engaged in defense related research and development activities within the three-year period immediately prior to the date of enactment of this Act to pay up to 80 percent of the cost of enrolling eligible personnel of such concerns in any program assisted under title II or title III of this Act.
Provides that grants shall be made only upon applications made at such times and containing such information as the Administration shall require. Asserts that the Administration is authorized to prepare recommended programs from among programs carried out under titles II and III of this Act which the Administration determines are especially applicable to assisting small businesses in converting to civilian research and development activities.
Title V: General Provisions - Defines "defense related research and development activities" to mean any activity which involves: (1) research, development or engineering, including necessary supporting services, performed under grant from, or contract with, the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or under subcontract to such a grant or contract; or (2) the construction, reconstruction, repair, or installation of any building, plant structure, facility, or equipment connected or necessary to such research, development, engineering, or supporting services; and (3) which requires at least six months to complete.
Establishes an Advisory Council on Research and Development Conversion Education to be composed of fifteen members appointed by the President for terms of three years without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code. Provides that the Council shall: (1) advise the Director and the Secretary of Commerce with respect to their respective responsibilities for educational programs under this Act; (2) review and evaluate the effectiveness of Federal educational assistance programs under this Act; (3) prepare and submit such interim reports as it deems advisable, and an annual report of its findings and recommendations, together with any recommendations for changes in the provisions of this Act; and (4) publicize its findings and recommendations to such extent and in such manner as it deems effective and advisable.
Authorizes appropriations in the following amounts for the fiscal years indicated below, and sets limits within each fiscal year for the allotment of appropriations to the various sections of this Act: 1974 - $100 million; 1975 $150 million; and 1976 - $200 million.