There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Consumer Protection Act - Title I: Office of Consumers Affairs - Creates an Office of Consumer Affairs, within the Executive Office of the President, to coordinate Federal consumer protection activities, serve as a clearinghouse for complaints, and publish Government consumer information.
Provides that the office shall be headed by a Director appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and gives the Director powers to carry out the objectives of this Act. Requires the Director to transmit to the Congress and the President an annual report of the activities of the Office during the preceding year including a summary of complaints and the need for additional legislation to protect the interest of the U.S. consumer.
Provides that it shall be the function of the Office to: (1) coordinate the programs and activities of all Federal agencies relating to the interests of consumers in order to achieve effectiveness, and avoid duplications and inconsistencies; (2) encourage and assist in the development and implementation of consumer programs and activities in the Federal Government; (3) assure that the interests of consumers are taken into consideration by appropriate Federal agencies both in the formulation of policies with respect to consumers and in the operation of programs that may effect consumer interests; (4) cooperate with and, when requested, provide assistance to the Administrator of the Consumer Protection Agency; (5) advise and make recommendations to all Federal agencies with respect to general policy and matters concerning the effectiveness of programs and activities relating to the interests of consumers; (6) submit recommendations to the Congress and the President on the means by which programs and activities relating to the interests of consumers can be improved; (7) conduct conferences, surveys, and investigations, concerning the needs, interests, and problems of consumers which are not duplicative in significant degree to similar activities conducted by other Federal agencies; (8) encourage, initiate, coordinate, and participate in consumer education and counseling programs (including credit counseling); (9) encourage, support, and coordinate research and studies leading to improved products, services, and consumers information; (10) cooperate with and give technical assistance to State and local governments in the promotion and protection of consumer interests, including programs relating to the arbitration of disputes between consumers and businessmen and producers; (11) cooperate with and assist private enterprise in the promotion and protection of consumer interests; (12) publish and distribute in a Consumer Register, material which will include notices of Federal hearings, proposed and final rules and orders, and other useful information, translated from its technical form into language which is understandable by the public; and (13) keep the appropriate committees of the Congress fully and currently informed of all its activities, except that this paragraph is not authority to withhold information requested by individual Members of Congress.
Transfers the functions of the Special Assistant to the President for consumer affairs to the Director.
Title II: Consumer Protection Agency - Establishes as an independent agency within the executive branch of the Government the Consumer Protection Agency, headed by an Administrator appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, to advise the Congress and the President as to matters concerning consumer interests and to protect the interests of consumers.
Gives the Agency powers to carry out the objectives of this Act and sets out specific functions for the Agency. Asserts that the functions of the Agency shall be to: (1) formally represent the interests of consumers in proceedings before Federal agencies and courts; (2) encourage and support research, studies and testing leading to a better understanding of consumer products and to improved products, services, and consumer information; (3) submit recommendations annually to the Congress and the President on measures to improve the operation of the Federal Government in the protection and promotion of the consumer interests; (4) publish and distribute material developed pursuant to carrying out its responsibilities which will inform consumers of matters of interests to them; (5) continue the work of the National Commission on Product Safety; (6) conduct conferences and surveys concerning the needs, interests, and problems of consumers which are not duplicative in significant degree to similar activities conducted by other Federal agencies; and, for the purpose of conducting such conferences, surveys, and investigations provides that the Agency shall have the powers which are conferred upon the Federal Trade Commission by section 9 of the Federal Trade Commission Act with respect to the conduct of investigations made by that Commission under that Act, except that the Agency may not grant to any person any immunity from prosecution, penalty, or forfeiture in accordance with the provisions of such section without first obtaining the written consent of the Attorney General; (7) keep the appropriate committees of Congress fully and currently informed on all its activities, except that this paragraph is not authority to withhold information requested by individual Members of Congress; and (8) cooperate with and, when requested, provide assistance to the Director of the Office in the carrying out of his functions.
Allows the Agency to intervene and represent the interests of consumers in Federal agencies investigations or hearings where the interests of such consumers would not otherwise be adequately protected.
Authorizes the Agency to assert the interests of consumers in any U.S. court proceeding involving the review of an action of a Federal agency.
Requires the Office and Agency to receive information disclosing a probable violation of any law, administrative order, Federal judgment, or other trade practice affecting consumer interests and to take action to prohibit any further violation.
Requires the Agency and Office to develop and disseminate data concerning the function and duties of the Agency and Office, consumer problems and trade practice detrimental to the interests of consumers.
Authorizes the Agency to carry out the functions of the National Commission on Product Safety when such commission ceases by law to exist.
Title III: Consumer Advisory Council; Protection of Consumer Interest In Administrative Proceedings; Miscellaneous Amendments - Establishes a Consumer Advisory Council consisting of 15 members to advise the Director and Administrator on matters concerning consumer interests and to review the effectiveness of Federal programs relating to consumer interest.
Requires every Federal agency taking any action affecting consumer interests to provide notice of such action to the Office or Agency and to take action to consider the interests of consumers.
Authorizes appropriations to the Agency necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Consumer Protection Act - Title I: Office of Consumers Affairs - Creates an Office of Consumer Affairs, within the Executive Office of the President, to coordinate Federal consumer protection activities, serve as a clearinghouse for complaints, and publish Government consumer information.
Provides that the office shall be headed by a Director appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and gives the Director powers to carry out the objectives of this Act. Requires the Director to transmit to the Congress and the President an annual report of the activities of the Office during the preceding year including a summary of complaints and the need for additional legislation to protect the interest of the U.S. consumer.
Provides that it shall be the function of the Office to: (1) coordinate the programs and activities of all Federal agencies relating to the interests of consumers in order to achieve effectiveness, and avoid duplications and inconsistencies; (2) encourage and assist in the development and implementation of consumer programs and activities in the Federal Government; (3) assure that the interests of consumers are taken into consideration by appropriate Federal agencies both in the formulation of policies with respect to consumers and in the operation of programs that may effect consumer interests; (4) cooperate with and, when requested, provide assistance to the Administrator of the Consumer Protection Agency; (5) advise and make recommendations to all Federal agencies with respect to general policy and matters concerning the effectiveness of programs and activities relating to the interests of consumers; (6) submit recommendations to the Congress and the President on the means by which programs and activities relating to the interests of consumers can be improved; (7) conduct conferences, surveys, and investigations, concerning the needs, interests, and problems of consumers which are not duplicative in significant degree to similar activities conducted by other Federal agencies; (8) encourage, initiate, coordinate, and participate in consumer education and counseling programs (including credit counseling); (9) encourage, support, and coordinate research and studies leading to improved products, services, and consumers information; (10) cooperate with and give technical assistance to State and local governments in the promotion and protection of consumer interests, including programs relating to the arbitration of disputes between consumers and businessmen and producers; (11) cooperate with and assist private enterprise in the promotion and protection of consumer interests; (12) publish and distribute in a Consumer Register, material which will include notices of Federal hearings, proposed and final rules and orders, and other useful information, translated from its technical form into language which is understandable by the public; and (13) keep the appropriate committees of the Congress fully and currently informed of all its activities, except that this paragraph is not authority to withhold information requested by individual Members of Congress.
Transfers the functions of the Special Assistant to the President for consumer affairs to the Director.
Title II: Consumer Protection Agency - Establishes as an independent agency within the executive branch of the Government the Consumer Protection Agency, headed by an Administrator appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, to advise the Congress and the President as to matters concerning consumer interests and to protect the interests of consumers.
Gives the Agency powers to carry out the objectives of this Act and sets out specific functions for the Agency. Asserts that the functions of the Agency shall be to: (1) formally represent the interests of consumers in proceedings before Federal agencies and courts; (2) encourage and support research, studies and testing leading to a better understanding of consumer products and to improved products, services, and consumer information; (3) submit recommendations annually to the Congress and the President on measures to improve the operation of the Federal Government in the protection and promotion of the consumer interests; (4) publish and distribute material developed pursuant to carrying out its responsibilities which will inform consumers of matters of interests to them; (5) continue the work of the National Commission on Product Safety; (6) conduct conferences and surveys concerning the needs, interests, and problems of consumers which are not duplicative in significant degree to similar activities conducted by other Federal agencies; and, for the purpose of conducting such conferences, surveys, and investigations provides that the Agency shall have the powers which are conferred upon the Federal Trade Commission by section 9 of the Federal Trade Commission Act with respect to the conduct of investigations made by that Commission under that Act, except that the Agency may not grant to any person any immunity from prosecution, penalty, or forfeiture in accordance with the provisions of such section without first obtaining the written consent of the Attorney General; (7) keep the appropriate committees of Congress fully and currently informed on all its activities, except that this paragraph is not authority to withhold information requested by individual Members of Congress; and (8) cooperate with and, when requested, provide assistance to the Director of the Office in the carrying out of his functions.
Allows the Agency to intervene and represent the interests of consumers in Federal agencies investigations or hearings where the interests of such consumers would not otherwise be adequately protected.
Authorizes the Agency to assert the interests of consumers in any U.S. court proceeding involving the review of an action of a Federal agency.
Requires the Office and Agency to receive information disclosing a probable violation of any law, administrative order, Federal judgment, or other trade practice affecting consumer interests and to take action to prohibit any further violation.
Requires the Agency and Office to develop and disseminate data concerning the function and duties of the Agency and Office, consumer problems and trade practice detrimental to the interests of consumers.
Authorizes the Agency to carry out the functions of the National Commission on Product Safety when such commission ceases by law to exist.
Title III: Consumer Advisory Council; Protection of Consumer Interest In Administrative Proceedings; Miscellaneous Amendments - Establishes a Consumer Advisory Council consisting of 15 members to advise the Director and Administrator on matters concerning consumer interests and to review the effectiveness of Federal programs relating to consumer interest.
Requires every Federal agency taking any action affecting consumer interests to provide notice of such action to the Office or Agency and to take action to consider the interests of consumers.
Authorizes appropriations to the Agency necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Consumer Protection Act - Title I: Office of Consumers Affairs - Creates an Office of Consumer Affairs, within the Executive Office of the President, to coordinate Federal consumer protection activities, serve as a clearinghouse for complaints, and publish Government consumer information.
Provides that the office shall be headed by a Director appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and gives the Director powers to carry out the objectives of this Act. Requires the Director to transmit to the Congress and the President an annual report of the activities of the Office during the preceding year including a summary of complaints and the need for additional legislation to protect the interest of the U.S. consumer.
Provides that it shall be the function of the Office to: (1) coordinate the programs and activities of all Federal agencies relating to the interests of consumers in order to achieve effectiveness, and avoid duplications and inconsistencies; (2) encourage and assist in the development and implementation of consumer programs and activities in the Federal Government; (3) assure that the interests of consumers are taken into consideration by appropriate Federal agencies both in the formulation of policies with respect to consumers and in the operation of programs that may effect consumer interests; (4) cooperate with and, when requested, provide assistance to the Administrator of the Consumer Protection Agency; (5) advise and make recommendations to all Federal agencies with respect to general policy and matters concerning the effectiveness of programs and activities relating to the interests of consumers; (6) submit recommendations to the Congress and the President on the means by which programs and activities relating to the interests of consumers can be improved; (7) conduct conferences, surveys, and investigations, concerning the needs, interests, and problems of consumers which are not duplicative in significant degree to similar activities conducted by other Federal agencies; (8) encourage, initiate, coordinate, and participate in consumer education and counseling programs (including credit counseling); (9) encourage, support, and coordinate research and studies leading to improved products, services, and consumers information; (10) cooperate with and give technical assistance to State and local governments in the promotion and protection of consumer interests, including programs relating to the arbitration of disputes between consumers and businessmen and producers; (11) cooperate with and assist private enterprise in the promotion and protection of consumer interests; (12) publish and distribute in a Consumer Register, material which will include notices of Federal hearings, proposed and final rules and orders, and other useful information, translated from its technical form into language which is understandable by the public; and (13) keep the appropriate committees of the Congress fully and currently informed of all its activities, except that this paragraph is not authority to withhold information requested by individual Members of Congress.
Transfers the functions of the Special Assistant to the President for consumer affairs to the Director.
Title II: Consumer Protection Agency - Establishes as an independent agency within the executive branch of the Government the Consumer Protection Agency, headed by an Administrator appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, to advise the Congress and the President as to matters concerning consumer interests and to protect the interests of consumers.
Gives the Agency powers to carry out the objectives of this Act and sets out specific functions for the Agency. Asserts that the functions of the Agency shall be to: (1) formally represent the interests of consumers in proceedings before Federal agencies and courts; (2) encourage and support research, studies and testing leading to a better understanding of consumer products and to improved products, services, and consumer information; (3) submit recommendations annually to the Congress and the President on measures to improve the operation of the Federal Government in the protection and promotion of the consumer interests; (4) publish and distribute material developed pursuant to carrying out its responsibilities which will inform consumers of matters of interests to them; (5) continue the work of the National Commission on Product Safety; (6) conduct conferences and surveys concerning the needs, interests, and problems of consumers which are not duplicative in significant degree to similar activities conducted by other Federal agencies; and, for the purpose of conducting such conferences, surveys, and investigations provides that the Agency shall have the powers which are conferred upon the Federal Trade Commission by section 9 of the Federal Trade Commission Act with respect to the conduct of investigations made by that Commission under that Act, except that the Agency may not grant to any person any immunity from prosecution, penalty, or forfeiture in accordance with the provisions of such section without first obtaining the written consent of the Attorney General; (7) keep the appropriate committees of Congress fully and currently informed on all its activities, except that this paragraph is not authority to withhold information requested by individual Members of Congress; and (8) cooperate with and, when requested, provide assistance to the Director of the Office in the carrying out of his functions.
Allows the Agency to intervene and represent the interests of consumers in Federal agencies investigations or hearings where the interests of such consumers would not otherwise be adequately protected.
Authorizes the Agency to assert the interests of consumers in any U.S. court proceeding involving the review of an action of a Federal agency.
Requires the Office and Agency to receive information disclosing a probable violation of any law, administrative order, Federal judgment, or other trade practice affecting consumer interests and to take action to prohibit any further violation.
Requires the Agency and Office to develop and disseminate data concerning the function and duties of the Agency and Office, consumer problems and trade practice detrimental to the interests of consumers.
Authorizes the Agency to carry out the functions of the National Commission on Product Safety when such commission ceases by law to exist.
Title III: Consumer Advisory Council; Protection of Consumer Interest In Administrative Proceedings; Miscellaneous Amendments - Establishes a Consumer Advisory Council consisting of 15 members to advise the Director and Administrator on matters concerning consumer interests and to review the effectiveness of Federal programs relating to consumer interest.
Requires every Federal agency taking any action affecting consumer interests to provide notice of such action to the Office or Agency and to take action to consider the interests of consumers.
Authorizes appropriations to the Agency necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Consumer Protection Act - Title I: Office of Consumers Affairs - Creates an Office of Consumer Affairs, within the Executive Office of the President, to coordinate Federal consumer protection activities, serve as a clearinghouse for complaints, and publish Government consumer information.
Provides that the office shall be headed by a Director appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and gives the Director powers to carry out the objectives of this Act. Requires the Director to transmit to the Congress and the President an annual report of the activities of the Office during the preceding year including a summary of complaints and the need for additional legislation to protect the interest of the U.S. consumer.
Provides that it shall be the function of the Office to: (1) coordinate the programs and activities of all Federal agencies relating to the interests of consumers in order to achieve effectiveness, and avoid duplications and inconsistencies; (2) encourage and assist in the development and implementation of consumer programs and activities in the Federal Government; (3) assure that the interests of consumers are taken into consideration by appropriate Federal agencies both in the formulation of policies with respect to consumers and in the operation of programs that may effect consumer interests; (4) cooperate with and, when requested, provide assistance to the Administrator of the Consumer Protection Agency; (5) advise and make recommendations to all Federal agencies with respect to general policy and matters concerning the effectiveness of programs and activities relating to the interests of consumers; (6) submit recommendations to the Congress and the President on the means by which programs and activities relating to the interests of consumers can be improved; (7) conduct conferences, surveys, and investigations, concerning the needs, interests, and problems of consumers which are not duplicative in significant degree to similar activities conducted by other Federal agencies; (8) encourage, initiate, coordinate, and participate in consumer education and counseling programs (including credit counseling); (9) encourage, support, and coordinate research and studies leading to improved products, services, and consumers information; (10) cooperate with and give technical assistance to State and local governments in the promotion and protection of consumer interests, including programs relating to the arbitration of disputes between consumers and businessmen and producers; (11) cooperate with and assist private enterprise in the promotion and protection of consumer interests; (12) publish and distribute in a Consumer Register, material which will include notices of Federal hearings, proposed and final rules and orders, and other useful information, translated from its technical form into language which is understandable by the public; and (13) keep the appropriate committees of the Congress fully and currently informed of all its activities, except that this paragraph is not authority to withhold information requested by individual Members of Congress.
Transfers the functions of the Special Assistant to the President for consumer affairs to the Director.
Title II: Consumer Protection Agency - Establishes as an independent agency within the executive branch of the Government the Consumer Protection Agency, headed by an Administrator appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, to advise the Congress and the President as to matters concerning consumer interests and to protect the interests of consumers.
Gives the Agency powers to carry out the objectives of this Act and sets out specific functions for the Agency. Asserts that the functions of the Agency shall be to: (1) formally represent the interests of consumers in proceedings before Federal agencies and courts; (2) encourage and support research, studies and testing leading to a better understanding of consumer products and to improved products, services, and consumer information; (3) submit recommendations annually to the Congress and the President on measures to improve the operation of the Federal Government in the protection and promotion of the consumer interests; (4) publish and distribute material developed pursuant to carrying out its responsibilities which will inform consumers of matters of interests to them; (5) continue the work of the National Commission on Product Safety; (6) conduct conferences and surveys concerning the needs, interests, and problems of consumers which are not duplicative in significant degree to similar activities conducted by other Federal agencies; and, for the purpose of conducting such conferences, surveys, and investigations provides that the Agency shall have the powers which are conferred upon the Federal Trade Commission by section 9 of the Federal Trade Commission Act with respect to the conduct of investigations made by that Commission under that Act, except that the Agency may not grant to any person any immunity from prosecution, penalty, or forfeiture in accordance with the provisions of such section without first obtaining the written consent of the Attorney General; (7) keep the appropriate committees of Congress fully and currently informed on all its activities, except that this paragraph is not authority to withhold information requested by individual Members of Congress; and (8) cooperate with and, when requested, provide assistance to the Director of the Office in the carrying out of his functions.
Allows the Agency to intervene and represent the interests of consumers in Federal agencies investigations or hearings where the interests of such consumers would not otherwise be adequately protected.
Authorizes the Agency to assert the interests of consumers in any U.S. court proceeding involving the review of an action of a Federal agency.
Requires the Office and Agency to receive information disclosing a probable violation of any law, administrative order, Federal judgment, or other trade practice affecting consumer interests and to take action to prohibit any further violation.
Requires the Agency and Office to develop and disseminate data concerning the function and duties of the Agency and Office, consumer problems and trade practice detrimental to the interests of consumers.
Authorizes the Agency to carry out the functions of the National Commission on Product Safety when such commission ceases by law to exist.
Title III: Consumer Advisory Council; Protection of Consumer Interest In Administrative Proceedings; Miscellaneous Amendments - Establishes a Consumer Advisory Council consisting of 15 members to advise the Director and Administrator on matters concerning consumer interests and to review the effectiveness of Federal programs relating to consumer interest.
Requires every Federal agency taking any action affecting consumer interests to provide notice of such action to the Office or Agency and to take action to consider the interests of consumers.
Authorizes appropriations to the Agency necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.