There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Provides for the preservation of historical and archeological data. Extends coverage to all Federal and federally assisted or licensed programs which alter the terrain and thus potentially cause loss of scientific, prehistorical, historical or archeological data.
Directs Federal agencies to notify the Secretary of the Interior if in their operations archeological or other scientific data are revealed or threatened. Provides that whenever any Federal agency finds or is made aware by a responsible authority that its operations in connection with any Federal, federally assisted, or federally licensed activity or program affects or may affect adversely significant scientific, prehistorical, historical, or archeological data, such agency is hereby authorized to expend program or activity funds for the recovery, protection, and preservation of such data (including preliminary survey, analysis, and publication) and shall provide the Secretary with copies of such publications; or it shall notify the Secretary, in writing, that such data is or may be adversely affected and shall provide the Secretary with appropriate information concerning the program or activity.
Provides that the Secretary shall keep the instigating agency notified at all times of the progress of any survey or other investigation made under this Act, or of any work undertaken as a result of such survey, in order that there will be as little disruption or delay as possible in the carrying out of the functions of such agency.
Provides that the Secretary in the administration of this Act shall: (1) accept and utilize funds transferred to him by any Federal agency; (2) enter into contracts or make cooperative agreements with any Federal or State agency, any educational or scientific organization, or any institution, corporation, association, or qualified individual; (3) obtain the services of experts and consultants or organizations thereof; and (4) accept and utilize funds made available for salvage archeological purposes by any private person or corporation.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Provides for the preservation of historical and archeological data. Extends coverage to all Federal and federally assisted or licensed programs which alter the terrain and thus potentially cause loss of scientific, prehistorical, historical or archeological data.
Directs Federal agencies to notify the Secretary of the Interior if in their operations archeological or other scientific data are revealed or threatened. Provides that whenever any Federal agency finds or is made aware by a responsible authority that its operations in connection with any Federal, federally assisted, or federally licensed activity or program affects or may affect adversely significant scientific, prehistorical, historical, or archeological data, such agency is hereby authorized to expend program or activity funds for the recovery, protection, and preservation of such data (including preliminary survey, analysis, and publication) and shall provide the Secretary with copies of such publications; or it shall notify the Secretary, in writing, that such data is or may be adversely affected and shall provide the Secretary with appropriate information concerning the program or activity.
Provides that the Secretary shall keep the instigating agency notified at all times of the progress of any survey or other investigation made under this Act, or of any work undertaken as a result of such survey, in order that there will be as little disruption or delay as possible in the carrying out of the functions of such agency.
Provides that the Secretary in the administration of this Act shall: (1) accept and utilize funds transferred to him by any Federal agency; (2) enter into contracts or make cooperative agreements with any Federal or State agency, any educational or scientific organization, or any institution, corporation, association, or qualified individual; (3) obtain the services of experts and consultants or organizations thereof; and (4) accept and utilize funds made available for salvage archeological purposes by any private person or corporation.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Provides for the preservation of historical and archeological data. Extends coverage to all Federal and federally assisted or licensed programs which alter the terrain and thus potentially cause loss of scientific, prehistorical, historical or archeological data.
Directs Federal agencies to notify the Secretary of the Interior if in their operations archeological or other scientific data are revealed or threatened. Provides that whenever any Federal agency finds or is made aware by a responsible authority that its operations in connection with any Federal, federally assisted, or federally licensed activity or program affects or may affect adversely significant scientific, prehistorical, historical, or archeological data, such agency is hereby authorized to expend program or activity funds for the recovery, protection, and preservation of such data (including preliminary survey, analysis, and publication) and shall provide the Secretary with copies of such publications; or it shall notify the Secretary, in writing, that such data is or may be adversely affected and shall provide the Secretary with appropriate information concerning the program or activity.
Provides that the Secretary shall keep the instigating agency notified at all times of the progress of any survey or other investigation made under this Act, or of any work undertaken as a result of such survey, in order that there will be as little disruption or delay as possible in the carrying out of the functions of such agency.
Provides that the Secretary in the administration of this Act shall: (1) accept and utilize funds transferred to him by any Federal agency; (2) enter into contracts or make cooperative agreements with any Federal or State agency, any educational or scientific organization, or any institution, corporation, association, or qualified individual; (3) obtain the services of experts and consultants or organizations thereof; and (4) accept and utilize funds made available for salvage archeological purposes by any private person or corporation.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Provides for the preservation of historical and archeological data. Extends coverage to all Federal and federally assisted or licensed programs which alter the terrain and thus potentially cause loss of scientific, prehistorical, historical or archeological data.
Directs Federal agencies to notify the Secretary of the Interior if in their operations archeological or other scientific data are revealed or threatened. Provides that whenever any Federal agency finds or is made aware by a responsible authority that its operations in connection with any Federal, federally assisted, or federally licensed activity or program affects or may affect adversely significant scientific, prehistorical, historical, or archeological data, such agency is hereby authorized to expend program or activity funds for the recovery, protection, and preservation of such data (including preliminary survey, analysis, and publication) and shall provide the Secretary with copies of such publications; or it shall notify the Secretary, in writing, that such data is or may be adversely affected and shall provide the Secretary with appropriate information concerning the program or activity.
Provides that the Secretary shall keep the instigating agency notified at all times of the progress of any survey or other investigation made under this Act, or of any work undertaken as a result of such survey, in order that there will be as little disruption or delay as possible in the carrying out of the functions of such agency.
Provides that the Secretary in the administration of this Act shall: (1) accept and utilize funds transferred to him by any Federal agency; (2) enter into contracts or make cooperative agreements with any Federal or State agency, any educational or scientific organization, or any institution, corporation, association, or qualified individual; (3) obtain the services of experts and consultants or organizations thereof; and (4) accept and utilize funds made available for salvage archeological purposes by any private person or corporation.