There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Public Safety Officers Benefits Act - Provides, under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, that in any case in which the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration determines that a public safety officer employed by a public agency as a law enforcement officer or a fireman has died as a result of a personal injury sustained in the line of duty, leaving a spouse or one or more eligible dependents, the Administration shall pay a gratuity of $50,000 to such spouse or eligible dependents, or to the parents of such officer if he is not survived by a spouse or eligible dependents.
Provides that to be eligible under this Act such officer must have been, at the time of his injury: (1) engaged in the apprehension or attempted apprehension of any person for the commission of a crime or who was sought as a material witness in a criminal proceeding; (2) protecting such a person; (3) engaged in the lawful prevention of, or lawful attempt to prevent, the commission of a crime; or (4) engaged as a fireman in the protection of life or property from fire.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Public Safety Officers Benefits Act - Provides, under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, that in any case in which the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration determines that a public safety officer employed by a public agency as a law enforcement officer or a fireman has died as a result of a personal injury sustained in the line of duty, leaving a spouse or one or more eligible dependents, the Administration shall pay a gratuity of $50,000 to such spouse or eligible dependents, or to the parents of such officer if he is not survived by a spouse or eligible dependents.
Provides that to be eligible under this Act such officer must have been, at the time of his injury: (1) engaged in the apprehension or attempted apprehension of any person for the commission of a crime or who was sought as a material witness in a criminal proceeding; (2) protecting such a person; (3) engaged in the lawful prevention of, or lawful attempt to prevent, the commission of a crime; or (4) engaged as a fireman in the protection of life or property from fire.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Public Safety Officers Benefits Act - Provides, under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, that in any case in which the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration determines that a public safety officer employed by a public agency as a law enforcement officer or a fireman has died as a result of a personal injury sustained in the line of duty, leaving a spouse or one or more eligible dependents, the Administration shall pay a gratuity of $50,000 to such spouse or eligible dependents, or to the parents of such officer if he is not survived by a spouse or eligible dependents.
Provides that to be eligible under this Act such officer must have been, at the time of his injury: (1) engaged in the apprehension or attempted apprehension of any person for the commission of a crime or who was sought as a material witness in a criminal proceeding; (2) protecting such a person; (3) engaged in the lawful prevention of, or lawful attempt to prevent, the commission of a crime; or (4) engaged as a fireman in the protection of life or property from fire.
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Public Safety Officers Benefits Act - Provides, under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, that in any case in which the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration determines that a public safety officer employed by a public agency as a law enforcement officer or a fireman has died as a result of a personal injury sustained in the line of duty, leaving a spouse or one or more eligible dependents, the Administration shall pay a gratuity of $50,000 to such spouse or eligible dependents, or to the parents of such officer if he is not survived by a spouse or eligible dependents.
Provides that to be eligible under this Act such officer must have been, at the time of his injury: (1) engaged in the apprehension or attempted apprehension of any person for the commission of a crime or who was sought as a material witness in a criminal proceeding; (2) protecting such a person; (3) engaged in the lawful prevention of, or lawful attempt to prevent, the commission of a crime; or (4) engaged as a fireman in the protection of life or property from fire.