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H.R.310 — 93rd Congress (1973-1974) [93rd]
Rep. Bennett, Charles E. [D-FL-3] (Introduced 01/03/1973)

Summary: H.R.310 — 93rd Congress (1973-1974)

There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in House (01/03/1973)

Uniformed Services Special Pay Act - Provides that an officer of the Army or Navy in the Medical or Dental Corps, an officer of the Air Force who is designated as a medical or dental officer, or a medical or dental officer of the Public Health Service, who is on active duty for a period of more than thirty days is entitled, in addition to any other pay or allowances, to special pay at the following rates: (1) $100 a month for each month of active duty if he has not completed two years of active duty in a category named above; or (2) $350 a month for each month of active duty if he has completed two years of active duty.

Provides that a member of a uniformed service who: (1) has completed at least twenty-one months of active duty (other than for training); (2) is designated as having a critical military skill; and (3) reenlists or voluntarily extends his enlistment in a regular component of the service concerned for a period of at least three years; may be paid a sum of money, not to exceed six months of the basic pay to which he was entitled at the time of his discharge or release, multiplied by the number of years or the monthly fractions thereof, of additional obligated service, not to exceed six years, or $15,000, whichever is the lesser amount.

States that a person who enlists in an armed force for a period of at least three years or who extends his initial period of active duty in that armed force to a total of at least three years, may under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard, be paid an amount prescribed by the Secretary concerned but not more than $3,000.

Provides for special pay for officers of the armed forces in health professions who execute active duty agreements. States that upon acceptance of such agreement by the Secretary concerned such officer is entitled to an amount not to exceed $12,000 for each year of the active duty agreement. Provides that such officer must be qualified in a critical health profession and qualified, as determined by a board composed of officers in his profession, to enter into such an agreement. Requires the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to submit a written report each year to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives regarding the operation of this program.

Provides that an officer of an armed force who is designated by the Secretary concerned as an officer possessing skills in a critical shortage specialty and whose retention on, or voluntary recall to, active duty would be of benefit to the United States, and who executes an agreement to serve on continuous active duty in that specialty for a period of not less than one year, but not more than six years, in addition to any other period of active duty for which he is obligated, may be paid, in addition to all other compensation, a sum of money not to exceed $4,000 for each year of such agreement.

Provides special pay for participation in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve of an armed force. States that the amount of special pay for those persons possessing critical military skills as determined by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard shall be: (1) up to $2,200 for a six-year enlistment, reenlistment or extension of the enlistment period; or (2) for a lesser enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period, ten percent of the total for one year, twenty-two percent of the total for two years, thirty-seven percent of the total for three years, fifty-four percent of the total for four years, or seventy-five percent of the total for five years. States that the amount of such pay for persons not possessing such critical skills shall be: (1) up to $1,100 for a six-year enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period; or (2) an amount as determined by the above formula for a lesser enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period.

Major Actions:
Summary: H.R.310 — 93rd Congress (1973-1974)

There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in House (01/03/1973)

Uniformed Services Special Pay Act - Provides that an officer of the Army or Navy in the Medical or Dental Corps, an officer of the Air Force who is designated as a medical or dental officer, or a medical or dental officer of the Public Health Service, who is on active duty for a period of more than thirty days is entitled, in addition to any other pay or allowances, to special pay at the following rates: (1) $100 a month for each month of active duty if he has not completed two years of active duty in a category named above; or (2) $350 a month for each month of active duty if he has completed two years of active duty.

Provides that a member of a uniformed service who: (1) has completed at least twenty-one months of active duty (other than for training); (2) is designated as having a critical military skill; and (3) reenlists or voluntarily extends his enlistment in a regular component of the service concerned for a period of at least three years; may be paid a sum of money, not to exceed six months of the basic pay to which he was entitled at the time of his discharge or release, multiplied by the number of years or the monthly fractions thereof, of additional obligated service, not to exceed six years, or $15,000, whichever is the lesser amount.

States that a person who enlists in an armed force for a period of at least three years or who extends his initial period of active duty in that armed force to a total of at least three years, may under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard, be paid an amount prescribed by the Secretary concerned but not more than $3,000.

Provides for special pay for officers of the armed forces in health professions who execute active duty agreements. States that upon acceptance of such agreement by the Secretary concerned such officer is entitled to an amount not to exceed $12,000 for each year of the active duty agreement. Provides that such officer must be qualified in a critical health profession and qualified, as determined by a board composed of officers in his profession, to enter into such an agreement. Requires the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to submit a written report each year to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives regarding the operation of this program.

Provides that an officer of an armed force who is designated by the Secretary concerned as an officer possessing skills in a critical shortage specialty and whose retention on, or voluntary recall to, active duty would be of benefit to the United States, and who executes an agreement to serve on continuous active duty in that specialty for a period of not less than one year, but not more than six years, in addition to any other period of active duty for which he is obligated, may be paid, in addition to all other compensation, a sum of money not to exceed $4,000 for each year of such agreement.

Provides special pay for participation in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve of an armed force. States that the amount of special pay for those persons possessing critical military skills as determined by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard shall be: (1) up to $2,200 for a six-year enlistment, reenlistment or extension of the enlistment period; or (2) for a lesser enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period, ten percent of the total for one year, twenty-two percent of the total for two years, thirty-seven percent of the total for three years, fifty-four percent of the total for four years, or seventy-five percent of the total for five years. States that the amount of such pay for persons not possessing such critical skills shall be: (1) up to $1,100 for a six-year enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period; or (2) an amount as determined by the above formula for a lesser enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period.

Summary: H.R.310 — 93rd Congress (1973-1974)

There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in House (01/03/1973)

Uniformed Services Special Pay Act - Provides that an officer of the Army or Navy in the Medical or Dental Corps, an officer of the Air Force who is designated as a medical or dental officer, or a medical or dental officer of the Public Health Service, who is on active duty for a period of more than thirty days is entitled, in addition to any other pay or allowances, to special pay at the following rates: (1) $100 a month for each month of active duty if he has not completed two years of active duty in a category named above; or (2) $350 a month for each month of active duty if he has completed two years of active duty.

Provides that a member of a uniformed service who: (1) has completed at least twenty-one months of active duty (other than for training); (2) is designated as having a critical military skill; and (3) reenlists or voluntarily extends his enlistment in a regular component of the service concerned for a period of at least three years; may be paid a sum of money, not to exceed six months of the basic pay to which he was entitled at the time of his discharge or release, multiplied by the number of years or the monthly fractions thereof, of additional obligated service, not to exceed six years, or $15,000, whichever is the lesser amount.

States that a person who enlists in an armed force for a period of at least three years or who extends his initial period of active duty in that armed force to a total of at least three years, may under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard, be paid an amount prescribed by the Secretary concerned but not more than $3,000.

Provides for special pay for officers of the armed forces in health professions who execute active duty agreements. States that upon acceptance of such agreement by the Secretary concerned such officer is entitled to an amount not to exceed $12,000 for each year of the active duty agreement. Provides that such officer must be qualified in a critical health profession and qualified, as determined by a board composed of officers in his profession, to enter into such an agreement. Requires the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to submit a written report each year to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives regarding the operation of this program.

Provides that an officer of an armed force who is designated by the Secretary concerned as an officer possessing skills in a critical shortage specialty and whose retention on, or voluntary recall to, active duty would be of benefit to the United States, and who executes an agreement to serve on continuous active duty in that specialty for a period of not less than one year, but not more than six years, in addition to any other period of active duty for which he is obligated, may be paid, in addition to all other compensation, a sum of money not to exceed $4,000 for each year of such agreement.

Provides special pay for participation in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve of an armed force. States that the amount of special pay for those persons possessing critical military skills as determined by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard shall be: (1) up to $2,200 for a six-year enlistment, reenlistment or extension of the enlistment period; or (2) for a lesser enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period, ten percent of the total for one year, twenty-two percent of the total for two years, thirty-seven percent of the total for three years, fifty-four percent of the total for four years, or seventy-five percent of the total for five years. States that the amount of such pay for persons not possessing such critical skills shall be: (1) up to $1,100 for a six-year enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period; or (2) an amount as determined by the above formula for a lesser enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period.

Summary: H.R.310 — 93rd Congress (1973-1974)

There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in House (01/03/1973)

Uniformed Services Special Pay Act - Provides that an officer of the Army or Navy in the Medical or Dental Corps, an officer of the Air Force who is designated as a medical or dental officer, or a medical or dental officer of the Public Health Service, who is on active duty for a period of more than thirty days is entitled, in addition to any other pay or allowances, to special pay at the following rates: (1) $100 a month for each month of active duty if he has not completed two years of active duty in a category named above; or (2) $350 a month for each month of active duty if he has completed two years of active duty.

Provides that a member of a uniformed service who: (1) has completed at least twenty-one months of active duty (other than for training); (2) is designated as having a critical military skill; and (3) reenlists or voluntarily extends his enlistment in a regular component of the service concerned for a period of at least three years; may be paid a sum of money, not to exceed six months of the basic pay to which he was entitled at the time of his discharge or release, multiplied by the number of years or the monthly fractions thereof, of additional obligated service, not to exceed six years, or $15,000, whichever is the lesser amount.

States that a person who enlists in an armed force for a period of at least three years or who extends his initial period of active duty in that armed force to a total of at least three years, may under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard, be paid an amount prescribed by the Secretary concerned but not more than $3,000.

Provides for special pay for officers of the armed forces in health professions who execute active duty agreements. States that upon acceptance of such agreement by the Secretary concerned such officer is entitled to an amount not to exceed $12,000 for each year of the active duty agreement. Provides that such officer must be qualified in a critical health profession and qualified, as determined by a board composed of officers in his profession, to enter into such an agreement. Requires the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to submit a written report each year to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives regarding the operation of this program.

Provides that an officer of an armed force who is designated by the Secretary concerned as an officer possessing skills in a critical shortage specialty and whose retention on, or voluntary recall to, active duty would be of benefit to the United States, and who executes an agreement to serve on continuous active duty in that specialty for a period of not less than one year, but not more than six years, in addition to any other period of active duty for which he is obligated, may be paid, in addition to all other compensation, a sum of money not to exceed $4,000 for each year of such agreement.

Provides special pay for participation in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve of an armed force. States that the amount of special pay for those persons possessing critical military skills as determined by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Transportation with respect to the Coast Guard shall be: (1) up to $2,200 for a six-year enlistment, reenlistment or extension of the enlistment period; or (2) for a lesser enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period, ten percent of the total for one year, twenty-two percent of the total for two years, thirty-seven percent of the total for three years, fifty-four percent of the total for four years, or seventy-five percent of the total for five years. States that the amount of such pay for persons not possessing such critical skills shall be: (1) up to $1,100 for a six-year enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period; or (2) an amount as determined by the above formula for a lesser enlistment, reenlistment or extension of enlistment period.

