There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Correctional Services Improvement Act - Title I: Correctional Centers and Services - Authorizes the Attorney General to construct and operate correctional centers for specified criminal offenders, providing such services and correctional programs as educational, vocational, and recreational programs, medical, psychiatric, and dental care, and counseling.
Specifies such centers as: (1) demonstration community treatment centers for the commitment or treatment of certain persons confined and awaiting trial, of persons sentenced to terms of more than one year, and of persons on probation or parole; (2) regional youth correctional centers for the commitment and treatment of youths and young adults sentenced pursuant to the Federal Youth Corrections Act; and (3) demonstration correctional centers for special offender groups of persons sentenced to terms in excess of one year or committed for an undetermined period, including such offender groups as the mentally ill or defective, the violent and dangerous, and women.
Authorizes the Attorney General to contract with State and local authorities of the region in which a center is constructed for the use of the center's facilities, and to transfer title of such center to a State, without payment to the United States, after construction of the center and a determination that the center is operating efficiently and that the facilities will be available on a contractual basis for Federal offenders or other transferring States. Requires the center to be operated as such for at least twenty years after the transfer, and gives the United States the right of reverter in the event of breach of conditions of transfer.
Creates a Federal Prison Review Board to: (1) prescribe minimum standards concerning the construction, operation, personnel training, and programs of jails and of correctional services owned or operated by a State or political subdivision in which persons accused or convicted under laws of the United States are confined or treated; (2) conduct subsequent periodic public hearings to review the extent of compliance with existing standards and the need for new standards; and (3) periodically inspect correctional facilities for the purpose of determining compliance with existing standards and the need for new standards.
Authorizes the Attorney General to contract with appropriate State or local officials to pay the annual costs of implementing the prescribed standards, including capital expenditures for improvements and innovations in facilities.
Authorizes appropriations to carry out the construction and improvement of centers as prescribed by this title.
Title II: Coordination of Federal Correctional Activities - Creates a Federal Corrections Coordinating Council, and specifies as its functions: (1) to issue guidelines for the operation of the Bureau of Prisons, the Board of Parole, the Youth Division of the Board of Parole, and the Division of Probation of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts to improve the administration of criminal justice and assure coordination of policies respecting the disposition, treatment, and correction of all persons convicted of crime; (2) to consider measures and suggest studies to promote the prevention of crime, delinquency and criminal recidivism; and (3) to establish a program of continuous research and experimentation to develop more effective methods for the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
Provides that a court may require a person as conditions of probation, and that the Board of Parole may require a parolee, to reside in and participate in the program of a residential community treatment center, and to pay such costs incident to residence as deemed appropriate.
Title III: Federal Corrections Institute - Establishes a Federal Corrections Institute to provide a coordinating center for the collection and dissemination of useful data regarding the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders and to provide training for representatives of Federal, State, and local law enforcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers, and other persons, including lay personnel, connected with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
Authorizes the Institute: (a) to serve as an information bank by collecting systematically the data obtained from studies and research by public and private agencies on criminal behavior and recidivism, including, but not limited to, programs for prevention of crime and recidivism, training of corrections personnel, and rehabilitation and treatment of criminal offenders; (b) to publish data in forms useful to individuals, agencies, and organizations concerned with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders; (c) to disseminate pertinent data and studies to individuals, agencies, and organizations concerned with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other criminal offenders; (d) to devise and conduct in various geographical locations, seminars and workshops providing continuing studies for persons engaged in working directly with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other criminal offenders; (e) to devise and conduct a training program of short-term instruction in the latest methods of treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders and prevention of recidivism for law envorcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers, and other persons, including lay personnel, connected with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders; and (f) to develop technical training teams to aid in the development of training programs within the several States and with the State and local agencies which work directly with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other offenders.
Places the overall supervision with regard to the policy and operations of the Institute in an Advisory Commission.
Title IV: Commitment of Dangerous Persons Found Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity - Provides that, whenever any person is found not guilty by reason of insanity at the time of the commission of the offense, the United States attorney, if he has reasonable cause to believe that such person if released unconditionally would constitute a danger to himself or others because of his mental condition, shall move for a judicial determination of the dangerousness of such person in the court in which the criminal proceedings were conducted.
Makes provisions for this judicial determination, and for the commitment or release under custody of the Surgeon General of such person. (Adds 18 U.S.C. 4021-4025; 5041-5048; 4249; Amends 18 U.S.C. 5002, 3651, 4203)
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Correctional Services Improvement Act - Title I: Correctional Centers and Services - Authorizes the Attorney General to construct and operate correctional centers for specified criminal offenders, providing such services and correctional programs as educational, vocational, and recreational programs, medical, psychiatric, and dental care, and counseling.
Specifies such centers as: (1) demonstration community treatment centers for the commitment or treatment of certain persons confined and awaiting trial, of persons sentenced to terms of more than one year, and of persons on probation or parole; (2) regional youth correctional centers for the commitment and treatment of youths and young adults sentenced pursuant to the Federal Youth Corrections Act; and (3) demonstration correctional centers for special offender groups of persons sentenced to terms in excess of one year or committed for an undetermined period, including such offender groups as the mentally ill or defective, the violent and dangerous, and women.
Authorizes the Attorney General to contract with State and local authorities of the region in which a center is constructed for the use of the center's facilities, and to transfer title of such center to a State, without payment to the United States, after construction of the center and a determination that the center is operating efficiently and that the facilities will be available on a contractual basis for Federal offenders or other transferring States. Requires the center to be operated as such for at least twenty years after the transfer, and gives the United States the right of reverter in the event of breach of conditions of transfer.
Creates a Federal Prison Review Board to: (1) prescribe minimum standards concerning the construction, operation, personnel training, and programs of jails and of correctional services owned or operated by a State or political subdivision in which persons accused or convicted under laws of the United States are confined or treated; (2) conduct subsequent periodic public hearings to review the extent of compliance with existing standards and the need for new standards; and (3) periodically inspect correctional facilities for the purpose of determining compliance with existing standards and the need for new standards.
Authorizes the Attorney General to contract with appropriate State or local officials to pay the annual costs of implementing the prescribed standards, including capital expenditures for improvements and innovations in facilities.
Authorizes appropriations to carry out the construction and improvement of centers as prescribed by this title.
Title II: Coordination of Federal Correctional Activities - Creates a Federal Corrections Coordinating Council, and specifies as its functions: (1) to issue guidelines for the operation of the Bureau of Prisons, the Board of Parole, the Youth Division of the Board of Parole, and the Division of Probation of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts to improve the administration of criminal justice and assure coordination of policies respecting the disposition, treatment, and correction of all persons convicted of crime; (2) to consider measures and suggest studies to promote the prevention of crime, delinquency and criminal recidivism; and (3) to establish a program of continuous research and experimentation to develop more effective methods for the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
Provides that a court may require a person as conditions of probation, and that the Board of Parole may require a parolee, to reside in and participate in the program of a residential community treatment center, and to pay such costs incident to residence as deemed appropriate.
Title III: Federal Corrections Institute - Establishes a Federal Corrections Institute to provide a coordinating center for the collection and dissemination of useful data regarding the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders and to provide training for representatives of Federal, State, and local law enforcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers, and other persons, including lay personnel, connected with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
Authorizes the Institute: (a) to serve as an information bank by collecting systematically the data obtained from studies and research by public and private agencies on criminal behavior and recidivism, including, but not limited to, programs for prevention of crime and recidivism, training of corrections personnel, and rehabilitation and treatment of criminal offenders; (b) to publish data in forms useful to individuals, agencies, and organizations concerned with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders; (c) to disseminate pertinent data and studies to individuals, agencies, and organizations concerned with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other criminal offenders; (d) to devise and conduct in various geographical locations, seminars and workshops providing continuing studies for persons engaged in working directly with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other criminal offenders; (e) to devise and conduct a training program of short-term instruction in the latest methods of treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders and prevention of recidivism for law envorcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers, and other persons, including lay personnel, connected with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders; and (f) to develop technical training teams to aid in the development of training programs within the several States and with the State and local agencies which work directly with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other offenders.
Places the overall supervision with regard to the policy and operations of the Institute in an Advisory Commission.
Title IV: Commitment of Dangerous Persons Found Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity - Provides that, whenever any person is found not guilty by reason of insanity at the time of the commission of the offense, the United States attorney, if he has reasonable cause to believe that such person if released unconditionally would constitute a danger to himself or others because of his mental condition, shall move for a judicial determination of the dangerousness of such person in the court in which the criminal proceedings were conducted.
Makes provisions for this judicial determination, and for the commitment or release under custody of the Surgeon General of such person. (Adds 18 U.S.C. 4021-4025; 5041-5048; 4249; Amends 18 U.S.C. 5002, 3651, 4203)
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Correctional Services Improvement Act - Title I: Correctional Centers and Services - Authorizes the Attorney General to construct and operate correctional centers for specified criminal offenders, providing such services and correctional programs as educational, vocational, and recreational programs, medical, psychiatric, and dental care, and counseling.
Specifies such centers as: (1) demonstration community treatment centers for the commitment or treatment of certain persons confined and awaiting trial, of persons sentenced to terms of more than one year, and of persons on probation or parole; (2) regional youth correctional centers for the commitment and treatment of youths and young adults sentenced pursuant to the Federal Youth Corrections Act; and (3) demonstration correctional centers for special offender groups of persons sentenced to terms in excess of one year or committed for an undetermined period, including such offender groups as the mentally ill or defective, the violent and dangerous, and women.
Authorizes the Attorney General to contract with State and local authorities of the region in which a center is constructed for the use of the center's facilities, and to transfer title of such center to a State, without payment to the United States, after construction of the center and a determination that the center is operating efficiently and that the facilities will be available on a contractual basis for Federal offenders or other transferring States. Requires the center to be operated as such for at least twenty years after the transfer, and gives the United States the right of reverter in the event of breach of conditions of transfer.
Creates a Federal Prison Review Board to: (1) prescribe minimum standards concerning the construction, operation, personnel training, and programs of jails and of correctional services owned or operated by a State or political subdivision in which persons accused or convicted under laws of the United States are confined or treated; (2) conduct subsequent periodic public hearings to review the extent of compliance with existing standards and the need for new standards; and (3) periodically inspect correctional facilities for the purpose of determining compliance with existing standards and the need for new standards.
Authorizes the Attorney General to contract with appropriate State or local officials to pay the annual costs of implementing the prescribed standards, including capital expenditures for improvements and innovations in facilities.
Authorizes appropriations to carry out the construction and improvement of centers as prescribed by this title.
Title II: Coordination of Federal Correctional Activities - Creates a Federal Corrections Coordinating Council, and specifies as its functions: (1) to issue guidelines for the operation of the Bureau of Prisons, the Board of Parole, the Youth Division of the Board of Parole, and the Division of Probation of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts to improve the administration of criminal justice and assure coordination of policies respecting the disposition, treatment, and correction of all persons convicted of crime; (2) to consider measures and suggest studies to promote the prevention of crime, delinquency and criminal recidivism; and (3) to establish a program of continuous research and experimentation to develop more effective methods for the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
Provides that a court may require a person as conditions of probation, and that the Board of Parole may require a parolee, to reside in and participate in the program of a residential community treatment center, and to pay such costs incident to residence as deemed appropriate.
Title III: Federal Corrections Institute - Establishes a Federal Corrections Institute to provide a coordinating center for the collection and dissemination of useful data regarding the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders and to provide training for representatives of Federal, State, and local law enforcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers, and other persons, including lay personnel, connected with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
Authorizes the Institute: (a) to serve as an information bank by collecting systematically the data obtained from studies and research by public and private agencies on criminal behavior and recidivism, including, but not limited to, programs for prevention of crime and recidivism, training of corrections personnel, and rehabilitation and treatment of criminal offenders; (b) to publish data in forms useful to individuals, agencies, and organizations concerned with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders; (c) to disseminate pertinent data and studies to individuals, agencies, and organizations concerned with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other criminal offenders; (d) to devise and conduct in various geographical locations, seminars and workshops providing continuing studies for persons engaged in working directly with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other criminal offenders; (e) to devise and conduct a training program of short-term instruction in the latest methods of treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders and prevention of recidivism for law envorcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers, and other persons, including lay personnel, connected with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders; and (f) to develop technical training teams to aid in the development of training programs within the several States and with the State and local agencies which work directly with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other offenders.
Places the overall supervision with regard to the policy and operations of the Institute in an Advisory Commission.
Title IV: Commitment of Dangerous Persons Found Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity - Provides that, whenever any person is found not guilty by reason of insanity at the time of the commission of the offense, the United States attorney, if he has reasonable cause to believe that such person if released unconditionally would constitute a danger to himself or others because of his mental condition, shall move for a judicial determination of the dangerousness of such person in the court in which the criminal proceedings were conducted.
Makes provisions for this judicial determination, and for the commitment or release under custody of the Surgeon General of such person. (Adds 18 U.S.C. 4021-4025; 5041-5048; 4249; Amends 18 U.S.C. 5002, 3651, 4203)
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
Shown Here:Correctional Services Improvement Act - Title I: Correctional Centers and Services - Authorizes the Attorney General to construct and operate correctional centers for specified criminal offenders, providing such services and correctional programs as educational, vocational, and recreational programs, medical, psychiatric, and dental care, and counseling.
Specifies such centers as: (1) demonstration community treatment centers for the commitment or treatment of certain persons confined and awaiting trial, of persons sentenced to terms of more than one year, and of persons on probation or parole; (2) regional youth correctional centers for the commitment and treatment of youths and young adults sentenced pursuant to the Federal Youth Corrections Act; and (3) demonstration correctional centers for special offender groups of persons sentenced to terms in excess of one year or committed for an undetermined period, including such offender groups as the mentally ill or defective, the violent and dangerous, and women.
Authorizes the Attorney General to contract with State and local authorities of the region in which a center is constructed for the use of the center's facilities, and to transfer title of such center to a State, without payment to the United States, after construction of the center and a determination that the center is operating efficiently and that the facilities will be available on a contractual basis for Federal offenders or other transferring States. Requires the center to be operated as such for at least twenty years after the transfer, and gives the United States the right of reverter in the event of breach of conditions of transfer.
Creates a Federal Prison Review Board to: (1) prescribe minimum standards concerning the construction, operation, personnel training, and programs of jails and of correctional services owned or operated by a State or political subdivision in which persons accused or convicted under laws of the United States are confined or treated; (2) conduct subsequent periodic public hearings to review the extent of compliance with existing standards and the need for new standards; and (3) periodically inspect correctional facilities for the purpose of determining compliance with existing standards and the need for new standards.
Authorizes the Attorney General to contract with appropriate State or local officials to pay the annual costs of implementing the prescribed standards, including capital expenditures for improvements and innovations in facilities.
Authorizes appropriations to carry out the construction and improvement of centers as prescribed by this title.
Title II: Coordination of Federal Correctional Activities - Creates a Federal Corrections Coordinating Council, and specifies as its functions: (1) to issue guidelines for the operation of the Bureau of Prisons, the Board of Parole, the Youth Division of the Board of Parole, and the Division of Probation of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts to improve the administration of criminal justice and assure coordination of policies respecting the disposition, treatment, and correction of all persons convicted of crime; (2) to consider measures and suggest studies to promote the prevention of crime, delinquency and criminal recidivism; and (3) to establish a program of continuous research and experimentation to develop more effective methods for the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
Provides that a court may require a person as conditions of probation, and that the Board of Parole may require a parolee, to reside in and participate in the program of a residential community treatment center, and to pay such costs incident to residence as deemed appropriate.
Title III: Federal Corrections Institute - Establishes a Federal Corrections Institute to provide a coordinating center for the collection and dissemination of useful data regarding the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders and to provide training for representatives of Federal, State, and local law enforcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers, and other persons, including lay personnel, connected with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
Authorizes the Institute: (a) to serve as an information bank by collecting systematically the data obtained from studies and research by public and private agencies on criminal behavior and recidivism, including, but not limited to, programs for prevention of crime and recidivism, training of corrections personnel, and rehabilitation and treatment of criminal offenders; (b) to publish data in forms useful to individuals, agencies, and organizations concerned with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders; (c) to disseminate pertinent data and studies to individuals, agencies, and organizations concerned with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other criminal offenders; (d) to devise and conduct in various geographical locations, seminars and workshops providing continuing studies for persons engaged in working directly with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other criminal offenders; (e) to devise and conduct a training program of short-term instruction in the latest methods of treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders and prevention of recidivism for law envorcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, probation and parole personnel, correctional personnel, welfare workers, and other persons, including lay personnel, connected with the treatment and rehabilitation of criminal offenders; and (f) to develop technical training teams to aid in the development of training programs within the several States and with the State and local agencies which work directly with prisoners, parolees, probationers, and other offenders.
Places the overall supervision with regard to the policy and operations of the Institute in an Advisory Commission.
Title IV: Commitment of Dangerous Persons Found Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity - Provides that, whenever any person is found not guilty by reason of insanity at the time of the commission of the offense, the United States attorney, if he has reasonable cause to believe that such person if released unconditionally would constitute a danger to himself or others because of his mental condition, shall move for a judicial determination of the dangerousness of such person in the court in which the criminal proceedings were conducted.
Makes provisions for this judicial determination, and for the commitment or release under custody of the Surgeon General of such person. (Adds 18 U.S.C. 4021-4025; 5041-5048; 4249; Amends 18 U.S.C. 5002, 3651, 4203)